
Kent Golf Limited

Summer Mixed Greensomes report

Date published: 30 Jun 2024

There was nothing very summery about the Summer Mixed Greensomes, held this year on the attractive downland course of Sene Valley Golf Club near Folkestone. Sadly, the impressive view of the English Channel was somewhat hindered by the persistent drizzle that put paid to the beautiful recent sunny spell. The temperature dropped significantly, but that didn’t deter our 14 pairs of competitors who battled on gamely through their rounds!

Taking top honours and winning the Jerrom Scratch Bowl were Richard Elson and Hilary Brown (Prince’s), just one ahead of their clubmates Andy Walker and Ali Chapman. Rounding out the top three was the Sundridge Park pairing of Jude and Alistair Mackenzie.

The Mackenzie Nett Trophy was won by Jackie and Martyn Taylor (Nizels) with 38 points, just beating Helen Crocker (Walmer & Kingsdown) and John Murray (Tenterden) into second place. Coming in third on countback with 33 were Jacklyn Barons (Canterbury) and Mark Ward (Rochester & Cobham Park).

We thank the lovely team at Sene Valley for their terrific hospitality and especially Club Manager Jo, who acted as starter. Let’s hope that when Richard and Hilary return to Sene, courtesy of their fourball voucher kindly donated by the club, the weather is kinder to them!

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Summer Mixed Greensomes winners 2024

Jerrom Scratch Bowl winners - Hilary Brown & Richard Elson (Prince's)

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