
Kent Golf Limited

Men's Amateur Championship day 3 report

Date published: 2 Jun 2024

As a reward for reaching the final day of the Men’s Amateur Championship at Knole Park GC, our four semi-finalists enjoyed some welcome sunshine and only the gentlest of cooling breezes. In other words, perfect golfing conditions!

In the first match, Jack Swift (North Foreland) took on Jordan Hall (Wrotham Heath) and Jack wasted no time in establishing a healthy lead of 3 up after three holes courtesy of birdies at the second and third. But Jordan hit back with two birdies of his own to be only 1 down after five. Jack nosed further ahead again after the seventh and maintained a two-hole lead until the eleventh when Jordan’s par was good enough to halve the deficit. But then the tide turned in Jack’s favour, and a steady run over the next four holes saw him run out a 5&3 winner.

In the second semi-final, which was an all-Chelsfield Lakes affair, Lee Carew landed the first blow against Jake Potter when he won the third to go 1 up - a lead he doubled courtesy of a birdie at the seventh. He moved further ahead at the eighth only to be pegged back on the tenth but then moved up a gear to win 12, 13, and 14 to close out the match by a score of 5&4.

The final had all the promise of a close match, and it didn’t disappoint. With the first two holes halved, Jack birdied the third to take an early lead only for Lee to square matters at the fourth. The next four holes saw no change in the score, and Lee‘s birdie at nine gave him a one-up lead at the turn. Jack duly won the tenth with a par to level the game, and it was honours even until the fourteenth when Lee, again, edged into a one-hole lead. The next two holes were halved, and Jack needed something special on seventeen to take the match down the last. Unfortunately, it was not to be for Jack, and Lee held his nerve to close out the game and Championship by a score of 2&1. Many congratulations to Lee for a terrific performance over three long and demanding days; a very worthy County Champion!

Lee will now go on to represent Kent in the England Golf Champion of Champions event at Woodhall Spa on the 14th and 15th of September. We wish him all the best and know he will do his county proud.

Thank you to all the referees and volunteers who gave of their time during the Championship; without your help, it wouldn’t happen!

Finally, a very big thank you to Knole Park for hosting us during their Centenary year. We could not have been made more
welcome and we hope that their special year is all that they wish it to be.

Full results:
Kent Amateur Champion 2024 – Lee Carew (Chelsfield Lakes)
Runner-up (Hetherington Salver) – Jack Swift (North Foreland)
Semi-finalists – Jordan Hall (Wrotham Heath) and Jake Potter (Chelsfield Lakes)
Scratch Cup (lowest 36-hole scratch) – Scott Antoun (Wildernesse)
Astor Cup (lowest 36-hole nett) – Scott Antoun (Wildernesse)
Simpson Cup (lowest U25 scratch) – Scott Antoun (Wildernesse)
Team Winners – Wildernesse – Jake Antoun, Charlie Hickling, Danny Jones

The Wildernesse team will go on to the England Golf Team Championship at Stanton on the Wolds Golf Club, Nottinghamshire.

>> Day 1 report

>> Day 2 report

>> Photo album


County Champion Lee Carew 2024

Kent Amateur Champion 2024 - Lee Carew (Chelsfield Lakes) with County President Chris Reynolds on the right and Knole Park Captain John Fleming on the left

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