
Kent Golf Limited

Invicta 10s & 12s report

Date published: 29 May 2024

After the freezing gale-force wind at Pedham Place last month, we were due a change in the weather at Hever Castle. Sadly, it wasn’t a change for the better. Consistent rain beat down on our young golfers for the second edition of the 2024 Invictas Tour, but that didn’t deter our intrepid players who all took to their task with nary a murmur of dissent. Good character-building stuff!

The U12s played 18 holes over the Prince’s course, and the best of the day, making it two in a row, was Reggie Jones (Eltham Warren). Runner up was Lenny Ridley (The Ridge), with Cameron Callaghan (Chelsfield Lakes) just behind in third.

It was tough at the top in the U10s section with three players tying on the same score over 9 holes. Valentin Scott took the spoils on countback, with Harrison D’Arcy and Shane Cooper taking second and third spots, respectively.

Our best Putter of the day was Ronnie Cook, with Casey Botes showing the way in the Driving with a maximum score. The Chipping was hotly contested with Tommy Coombes, Valentin Scott, and Elliott Thomas sharing the prize. Our overall Skills Champion was Joseph Robinson, with a nice steady performance over all three disciplines.

Thank you to all at Hever Castle for looking after us so well and for their continued support of Kent Junior Golf.

We look forward to our next leg at Boughton, The Cave, on 31st July, when we can hopefully dispense with the umbrellas and put our shorts on instead!

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Reggie Jones Kent Golf 2024

Invictas U12 winner - Reggie Jones (Eltham Warren)
See the photo album on the link above for more photos.

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