
Kent Golf Limited

Slip! Slap! Swing! with a Kent charity

Date published: 19 May 2024

With golfers at a high risk of skin cancer, sun protection on the fairways - whether you’re a golfer of greenkeeper - is vital. Incidence of melanoma has nearly tripled in the UK in the last 30 years and the reason the Melanoma Fund, a small Kent based charity, created the Slip! Slap! Swing! campaign. Launched in 2019, with the support of leading golf organisations, this free campaign is used in over 500 golf clubs, helping set better standards around sun protection, to take skin cancer off the fairways.

With only 42% of golfers admitting to wearing sunscreen when the weather required it, and 72% never reapplying it when on the fairway, it is no wonder that golfers are 2.4 times more likely to suffer from skin cancer than the general population. To act on this, and get accredited to the Slip! Slap! Swing! campaign, a golf club simply needs to sign up and use the educational resources within the club house, on their website and socials. They can even order a sunboard for the club, which can be sponsored to make this an affordable asset.

Looking for a charity?

If you are looking for a charity to support as part of your captain’s tenancy, then we recommend the Melanoma Fund. Based in Kent, the charity creates national news headlines with their work and has a vast reach into sport, with support from many leading governing bodies, including nearly all organisations in golf supporting their work. Fundraising is vital for this charity, which relies on public donations.

Supporting clubs will be treated to free sunscreen, skin checks, talks about sun protection and lots more, with 100% focus on your members and staff. To get your club accredited to the Slip! Slap! Swing! campaign visit or to find out more about supporting the charity contact Michelle Baker on


Melanoma Fund

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