
Kent Golf Limited

Online Entry for Hinge Trophy Qualifier

Sunday 3rd November 2024

1. Eligibility
1.1 Entry is limited to male playing members whose HOME CLUB is affiliated to KENT GOLF LIMITED (and which is up to date with affiliation fee payments) who are in possession of a WHS Handicap Index meeting the following criteria on the closing date for entries as set out in the Entry Form. (A player’s home club is where his handicap is managed.)
The Kent club must be the player’s HOME CLUB.

WHS Handicap Index - Aged 17 and over - 5.4 Aged under 17 - 5.5

1.2 The Committee reserves the right to permit other players to enter the qualifying rounds.

1.3 Entries may be limited in number and, if necessary, higher handicaps in each age group may be subject to ballot.


2. The Competition

The Kent Golf General Competition Conditions shall apply.

2.1 The competition is played in the winter months at Littlestone Golf Club, Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club, Princes Golf Club and The Royal St. George's Golf Club.

2.2 There will be two qualifying rounds of stroke play, a final qualifying round and a final round. All competitors must play in one of the two qualifying rounds. Competitors will be allocated by ballot to play at one of those rounds, SAVE THAT MEMBERS OF Littlestone shall play at Royal Cinque Ports and vice versa. The 28 best gross scores at each venue (or such other number as the Committee deems appropriate) shall qualify to play in the final qualifying round. The players with the 24 best scores in the final qualifying round will qualify to play in the final round. All rounds will be qualifying rounds for handicap purposes, subject to the WHS Rules of Handicapping as applied in England and Wales.

2.3 The Hinge Trophy will be held for one year by the player with the best 36-hole aggregate gross score from the final qualifying round and the final round. In the event of a tie, the Hinge Trophy will be determined by a sudden death play-off, under the rules governing stroke play, at the venue of the final round over such hole or holes as the Committee may specify; or if adverse weather conditions or bad light do not permit the completion of such a play-off, in such other manner as the Committee may determine.

2.4 Gross and handicap prizes will be awarded to the competitors in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at each round and for the 36-hole aggregate scores for the final two rounds. No competitor may win both gross and handicap prizes at any one round. Ties will be resolved by count-back.

2.5 Prizes from Littlestone, Royal Cinque Ports and Princes will be presented at Princes. The Hinge Trophy and prizes from the final round will be presented at The Royal St. George’s.

2.6 Rounds that are cancelled due to bad weather will not be rearranged.

2.7 If one of the qualifying rounds is not played due to bad weather, the 28 best gross scores from the other qualifying round together with the 28 players, named on the starting sheet for the round that is not played, who are selected by ballot based on handicap (as specified on the last published start sheet) and age will be eligible to play in the final qualifying round.

2.8 If the final qualifying round is not played, the field for the final round will be determined based on the gross scores at each of the qualifying rounds or in such other way as the Committee deems appropriate.

2.9 If the final round is cancelled, the winner of the Hinge Trophy will be decided based on the gross scores at the final qualifying round. The winner will be determined by count-back if necessary. If neither the final qualifying round nor the final round is played, the Hinge Trophy will not be awarded.

3. Caddies
Players are not allowed caddies and supporters should not walk the fairways with players.

4. Order of Play
Starting times will be drawn for the qualifying rounds. The order of play at the final qualifying round and the final round will be determined based on the gross scores in the preceding round, with the players with the lowest gross scores going out first.

6. Entrance Fees
The entry fee for each round, including lunch, will be £50 payable before play commences. This fee shall be waived for members of Kent Golf’s Junior Team Squads in the case of the Final Qualifying and Final Rounds.

Entry for this competition is balloted to 100 entries. Online entry does not guarantee a place in the final competition.
This competition requires that fees be paid to complete entry. If the payment process is not completed, your entry may be removed.


A valid CDH ID is required to enter this competition. Please contact your home club if you do not know it.

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